The #1 most important email to send after a design meeting

1) what I need

Our communication style plays a huge role in creating “good” or “bad” clients. If we don’t set them up for success and tell them *how* to be our very best clients, then how can we expect them to live up to those expectations?

Specifically, the way we communicate right after a meeting is KEY to keeping a project on-track towards a successful, seriously happy outcome. After any design meeting, always follow up with an email (remember, keeping everything in writing helps avoid confusion later) that states:

  1. what specific homework you need from the client
  2. by what deadline you need that specific homework from the client
  3. what action they should take if they can’t complete the homework (like asking for an extension) or what consequences there will be if they can’t complete the homework (for example, “we’ll need to bump out your revisions meeting” or “those sale prices will disappear on X date.”)

Our clients are busy people, and in the excitement of going over a design it’s easy for them to forget what you asked them to do after the meeting. By following up with a task list and due-dates *in writing* we help them stay on top of their tasks and be the best clients ever!

On the other hand, when we stray from these good habits we not only run the risk of creating seriously unhappy clients 😩 but we also find ourselves stressed and anxious! 😩😩 By making sure we are exceptionally clear in our email communication, stating what we need and when we need it, everyone stays on the same page and our clients end up with the seriously happy home they crave and deserve.

You’ve got this!

Rebecca West interior design business coach

Hi! I’m Rebecca!

I’ve been mentoring designers since 2012, helping them grow as business people, realize their potential, and succeed on their own terms because I believe your design business should make you seriously happy.


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