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How I Got Seriously Happy

Lessons on getting schooled by business. 

Five Reasons To Say “No” To A Potential Client

By Rebecca West | November 23, 2021

If I’ve learned one thing from running my interior design firm for the past 14 years it’s that I *always* regret it when I don’t listen to that little voice that says “don’t take this project.” Ugh! 😩 If you’ve ignored that voice, then you know what I’m talking about! It doesn’t necessarily mean that…

The #1 most important email to send after a design meeting

By Rebecca West | August 10, 2021

Our communication style plays a huge role in creating “good” or “bad” clients. If we don’t set them up for success and tell them *how* to be our very best clients, then how can we expect them to live up to those expectations? Specifically, the way we communicate right after a meeting is KEY to…

How To Tell An Employee They Have Bad Breath 😬

By Rebecca West | May 20, 2021

Being an interior designer means that we’re judged on our aesthetics – not just the aesthetics of the rooms we design, but also how we dress and carry ourselves. That means that even more than in other jobs, our personal hygiene and general appearance is linked to our professional success. So what do you do…

How to tell your clients about these crazy long lead times. 😬

By Rebecca West | March 30, 2021

Shipping containers lost, cargo ships stuck, snow storms shut down Texas, and we’re low on foam!  For those of you who haven’t heard, lead times are INSANE! Why?  Well… The pandemic has disrupted global supply chains Cargo shipping company Maersk lost 750 shipping containers at sea Snow storms in Texas caused power outages that have decimated the foam supply (meaning…

The best photo-editing app!

By Rebecca West | March 17, 2021

We all know that professional photos outshine amateur photos, but few of us can afford to have a pro photographer shoot every room and every detail. And what about when a client sends us a celebratory photo that we want to share out, but it’s not quite up to snuff for our #Instagram feed? 🧐…

My favorite comm app for virtual designs

By Rebecca West | May 14, 2020

Communicating successfully with our interior design clients has always been important, but now that many of us are providing virtual interior design services, we need even more tools in our communication tool belt! Today, I am share one of my favorite tools with you, but I’m not going to talk about it – I’m going…

How to get good & useful measurements from your clients for your virtual designs

By Rebecca West | May 1, 2020

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to virtual design is getting a decent set of measurements from your client! Here I share two short videos I created to help me communicate what I needed in a quick and easy-to-understand way. The first is this video that shows my clients what kind of measurement…

Interior designer helping client in home

The most common branding mistake interior designers make

By Rebecca West | April 8, 2020

If I ask you what you do for a living and your answer includes “I help others,” “I help people”, or “I help everyone,” then no matter what you say after those words, you’ve just made the most common branding mistake interior designers make. Why? Because “others,” “people,” and “everyone” is the equivalent of no…

How to say no to a bad client

How to say “no” to a potential client (when you really mean it)

By Rebecca West | April 2, 2020

Have you ever met with a client and left the initial consult feeling like this is just not going to work out? It’s like going on a first date – sometimes you just know it’s a “no.” But what if the client still wants to work with you? How do you say no to a…

Top ten things seriously happy business owners do every day

By Seriously Happy Coaching | January 25, 2020

1. Show up – Seriously Happy business owners show up, and they show up often. Whether your main method of marketing is sending out newsletters, blogging, creating FB ads, or attending networking events, the key is to be prolific. Sharing your message often, like blogging weekly, will get you a lot further than posting one…

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